Monday, November 7, 2016

The to-do list before the Show

I have a terrible habit of starting projects and then getting called away. When I come back is were the terrible part comes in, I don't always finish the project I was working on, sometimes I do, sometimes I start a different thing. Then I get called away... Are you noticing a pattern?

So before this weekend's show, I need to clean house of partially done projects. I have embroidery kits, crochet hook cases, knitting needle cases, and project bags. I also have to print out the instructions for the felting kits (more in this post) and add them to the kits.

I have some beautiful new skeins and weaving to inventory and tag. (This sounds quick but it actually takes quite a bit longer than I ever give it and I really don't want to put it off until Friday or worse Friday night!)

I have to either finish making the new tablecloths, they are a bright blue knit and are giving me some trouble, or buy Holiday tablecloths.

I want to pick up a small tree - we have some beautiful wooden and beaded ornaments to offer this time! - to show these off.

I want to do some dyeing in larger lots and maybe do some more embroidery skeins.

I also need to make a few more fascinators and vessels.

Okay, well looking at that, I really need to get off the computer and get to work.


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